How To Remove Wallpaper Behind Radiators

How To Remove Wallpaper Behind Radiators

Have you ever wondered how to remove wallpaper from behind Radiators?

Radiators can be one of the main hurdles we experience when we come to decorate, which can be time-consuming and very frustrating to achieve a satisfactory finish that we want to achieve in our homes!

The removal of a radiator can be a time consuming and messy job for most of us if we do not have the DIY expertise, making it a task we would not want to tackle.

The alternative would be to call out your local Plumber to remove your radiator and then to return to have to replace after decorating, which can significantly increase your decorating costs!

This can become a recurring ongoing cost each time you come to decorate or even when you need to deep clean your radiators if not addressed!

Removing wallpaper from behind a radiator can be a difficult task but, in some cases, the existing wallpaper may only cover the area that can be seen or reached, making it possible to remove it!

But if all the wall behind the radiator is papered there is no easy way or quick solution to remove all the existing paper, other than to remove the radiator to gain access and to use a steamer or scraper to remove the remaining inaccessible wallpaper.


To remove all this paper from the wall behind the radiator requires full access to make a very difficult job more practical.


See Blog – How to decorate behind a radiator

See Blog – How to Paint Behind a Radiator Without Removing It

See Blog – How to Remove a Radiator for Painting




Picture 1 – Shows the remaining wallpaper that is inaccessible to reach behind the fixed radiator


Picture 2 – Shows you require full access to use a scraper or steamer to remove the remaining wallpaper.


Picture 3 – Shows the radiator at floor level giving full access to remove all remaining wallpaper.


What Could Be the Ideal Solution?

The ideal solution to decorate or clean behind radiators is to have radiators that can allow instant full access in a matter of seconds without the need of removal, disconnection, or the need for tools!


Rotarad can make it possible by installing our unique radiator retrofit upgrade kit.  The radiator kits are now being used successfully in the healthcare sector over the past 6 years to enable deep cleaning of radiators, to reduce the risk of airborne infections and to improve hygiene standards with ongoing reduced cleaning and maintenance costs!


The picture below shows a radiator being cleaned in a hospital with the Rotarad Kit installed!

See Rotarad Video – Healthcare Sector


See Blog – Can You Be Allergic to Central Heating Radiators

See Blog – How Much Dust does A Radiator Give Off



Alternatively, this would be the ideal time to consider installing your new replacement steel panel radiator with a Rotarad Retro-fit Radiator care kit.

Once installed the Rotarad care kit allows you instant full access for future cleaning and decorating behind your radiator when required without the need to remove or drain down the radiator in the future at an affordable price!

 By fitting a basic radiator care kit to “Clean Accessible Radiators Easily”, this will overcome the need for future radiator removals to decorate or fully clean behind them and for the future wellbeing of all occupants.


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