
Painting Behind Radiator RSS

As much as we hate to admit it, the only way to paint behind a radiator properly is to remove the radiator from the wall. There are many tips and trips around on how to get behind the radiator with sponges stapled to sticks and small angled brushes but if you don’t want the hassle of that we advise removing the radiator from the wall. Whilst removing the radiator Rotarad can be installed to provide effortless cleaning and future decorating, allowing you to remove your radiator in less than a minute. Being able to remove the radiator easily allows for...

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A step by step guide and video of how to remove a radiator from the wall for decorating. It's best to fit Rotarad if you're already removing the radiator, any future decorating or cleaning will be a stress-free job now you have easy access to the wall behind the radiator with your drop down radiator removal kit.

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