
Decorating Behind Radiator RSS

There aren't many areas in our home or rooms we cannot paint or wallpaper when we decorate other than behind our central heating radiators. This problem has existed for decades following the introduction of steel panel radiators that are static and have little or no access. Radiators are one of the main obstacles we encounter when we decorate frustrating problematic and time consuming to achieve a satisfactory finish we require in our homes. The daunting task of removing and replacing a radiator to simply decorate is not an option for the majority of homeowners would choose to do if there...

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The main reason people need to get behind their radiators is to paint or wallpaper. When decorating the radiator can be a frustrating obstacle that if not manoeuvred around properly causes future problems. A proportion of people that have children with severe respiratory problems such as asthma go to every length to ensure the house is rid of triggers. The dust that sits behind your radiator accumulates over time and becomes a trigger for such illnesses. The only way to get a thorough clean behind the radiator is to remove it from the wall, which is quite a big task...

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As much as we hate to admit it, the only way to paint behind a radiator properly is to remove the radiator from the wall. There are many tips and trips around on how to get behind the radiator with sponges stapled to sticks and small angled brushes but if you don’t want the hassle of that we advise removing the radiator from the wall. Whilst removing the radiator Rotarad can be installed to provide effortless cleaning and future decorating, allowing you to remove your radiator in less than a minute. Being able to remove the radiator easily allows for...

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A step by step guide and video of how to remove a radiator from the wall for decorating. It's best to fit Rotarad if you're already removing the radiator, any future decorating or cleaning will be a stress-free job now you have easy access to the wall behind the radiator with your drop down radiator removal kit.

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